“Ms. Genser’s sculptures breathe spirit back into remains of life. Her creations depict our connection to the environment, and ultimately our connection to each other.

In December 2018, and again in January 2019, my art and my story went viral in the international media. It appeared in major newspapers across our country, on the continent and then worldwide. I have only listed a few below, but articles were published and broadcast in many languages throughout Europe, Australia, Africa, Asia as well as North and South America.

BBC – January 2019
How a sculptor’s artwork slowly poisoned her
Globo News (Brazil) – January 2019
Artista canadense é intoxicada com a própria obra
Ilgiornale (Italy) – January 2019
Gillian Genser, la storia dell’artista avvelenata dalla sua stessa opera d’arte
Toronto Life – November 2018
My beautiful death
Washington Post – December 2018
An artist suffered mysterious symptoms for years. Then she realized her sculpture was poisoning her
CBC online article and Radio Broadcast – December 2018
This sculptor got heavy metal poisoning from working with mussel shells
Daily Mail (UK) – December 2018
Toronto sculptor, 59, shares how she was diagnosed with heavy-metal poisoning after spending 15 years ‘sanding and grinding’ mussels to make her sculptures as it emerges the shells were likely from polluted waters